The fearsome life of Attila the Hun

Learn more about the fearsome leader of the Huns

Stars Insider

02/01/25 | StarsInsider


Few historical figures deserve the sobriquet "barbarian" more than Attila the Hun. The ruler of the Hunnic Empire was also labeled by the Romans as Flagellum Dei, or the "scourge of God," for his brutality and alarming success in sacking Roman cities. Yet Attila was an educated man, likely versed in Greek and Latin, and modest in his dress. But his propensity for violence is legendary: this was someone whose intolerance towards enemies on the battlefield led history to describe Attila as one of the greatest barbarian rulers. So who was this ruler of the Huns, and why is his legacy so despicable?

Click through the following gallery and revisit the horrible life of the leader of the Huns.

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