The best new dictionary entries from 2024

Expand your vocabulary with our 30 favorite fresh words

Stars Insider

31/12/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Vocabulary

Every year, the dictionary expands, becoming richer (and occasionally quirkier) as it embraces new words and phrases that mirror how we live, work, and communicate. In 2024, language enthusiasts have plenty to ingest, from slang inspired by social media to terms highlighting cultural and technological changes. This year, the Cambridge Dictionary added 3,200 new words, Merriam-Webster introduced 200, the Oxford Dictionary 600, and over 300. Whether you’re eager to update your vocabulary, or just curious about how these words make the cut, we’ve rounded up 30 of the freshest dictionary additions this year.

Ready to see how many you recognize? Click on the gallery and let’s dive in!

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