The busiest international flight routes in the world, ranked

Classified by seats occupied, these international flight routes were the busiest in 2024

Stars Insider

03/02/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Aviation

Many of us booked a flight somewhere in 2024, likely to go on vacation or for business purposes. But depending on the destination, the plane was probably packed—with seating at a premium. In fact, on some international flights seats require a reservation months in advance of the departure date, such is the popularity of the route. But just how busy are these routings?

The Official Aviation Guide of the Airways (OAG), a UK-based global travel data provider, has just published its annual Top 10 list of the world's busiest flight routes. The list includes routes in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. But what flight path is above all others?

Click through this gallery, ranked by seats in descending order, to find out.

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