Tips for getting the best airline seats without paying extra

"Check-in chicken" is the latest viral travel hack

Stars Insider

8 hours ago | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Trending

Is there anything more frustrating than booking flights or a package holiday, only to face yet another decision at check-in: should you hedge your bets and skip “choosing your seats” (i.e. paying extra), or fork out more money to secure your preferred spot? Whether you favor soaking in the sights with a window view, an aisle seat to avoid clambering over fellow passengers for bathroom breaks, or simply sitting next to your travel companions; this blatant money-making tactic is a real pain in the neck. 

Resourceful passengers, however, have found a way to work the system, dubbing it “check-in chicken.” Click through the gallery to learn everything you need to know about this nifty, money-saving travel hack.

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