New UN report warns over 75% of Earth's land is now permanently drier

Aridity: The "existential crisis" redefining life on Earth

Stars Insider

15/01/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Global warming

Climate crisis campaigners and advocates are likely to echo a resounding "we told you so" in response to the latest findings from the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The report reveals three-quarters of the Earth's land has become permanently drier over the last three decades. The report, 'The Global Threat of Drying Lands: Regional and Global Aridity Trends and Future Projections,' was launched at the 16th UNCCD conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (COP16) in 2024. This was the largest UN land conference to date and the first to be held in the Middle East—a region heavily impacted by arid conditions, highlighting an unfortunate irony.

So what are the sobering consequences of this report? Let's explore. Click to begin. 

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