Red No. 3: the restricted cancer-causing dye that is still in your candy

This additive has been banned from cosmetics, but not from food

Stars Insider

31/12/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Additives

The colorful world of food dyes often hides a darker story, one that crosses over into the worlds of public health, regulatory inaction, and consumer awareness. Red No. 3 is one of many synthetic dyes still in circulation in the US food industry today, but, unlike the others, this additive is a toxic mix with the potential to do more harm than good. Despite decades of scientific advancements, outdated regulations have allowed potentially harmful additives to persist in our food supply and have yet to be banned.

What harm can Red No. 3 potentially cause? Are there any other synthetic dyes that people should be wary of? And what is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doing about this toxic substance? Click through this gallery to find out.

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