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You double book yourself
- People with a type B personality tend to have a much more carefree approach to life than their type A counterparts. Sometimes this can mean a tendency to double book themselves.
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1 / 31 Fotos
You double book yourself
- If you find yourself accidentally making plans with multiple people at the same time, or even missing work because of a misinterpreted schedule, you may well be a type B.
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2 / 31 Fotos
You double book yourself
- This does not mean that you are careless, however. It just means that you're more concerned with being present in the current moment than planning for the future.
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3 / 31 Fotos
Your phone is always out of juice
- Another common trait of people with a type B personality is that their phones are always dead. Again, this tends to be about poor planning.
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4 / 31 Fotos
Your phone is always out of juice
- If you are constantly finding yourself without a charger, or you tend not to charge your phone overnight, this may be indicative of your type B personality.
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Your phone is always out of juice
- That's not to say that type A people don't ever let their phones die, however. The difference is that, generally, they do it on purpose.
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You lose your personal belongings on a daily basis
- It is also common for type B people to lose their personal belongings, such as their phones, wallets, and keys, on a daily basis.
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You lose your personal belongings on a daily basis
- This tends to happen because they become so engrossed in whatever conversation they're having that there is a breakdown at the interface of their attention and memory.
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Your lose your personal belongings on a daily basis
- If you find yourself searching high and low for your keys every time you need to leave, you may well have a personality at the type B end of the spectrum.
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You have an overflowing inbox
- Another common trait of type B people is that they are able to ignore those little red notifications that indicate an unread email or message.
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You have an overflowing inbox
- Indeed, people with this personality type tend to have an overflowing inbox, because they recognize that organizing it will cause them unnecessary stress, so they avoid it.
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You have an overflowing inbox
- According to psychologists, this awareness is a certain type of intelligence that helps people continue to live in the present and sidestep anxiety.
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12 / 31 Fotos
You are always late
- Studies show that our type B friends are much more likely to experience chronic lateness than their type A counterparts.
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You are always late
- Indeed, the laid-back attitude of the type Bs tends to mean that they procrastinate tasks until the last minute and end up finishing after everyone else.
© Shutterstock
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You are always late
- If you always seem to arrive late because you were caught up in whatever you were doing, it's a good indication that you are a type B.
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Your clothes are a mess
- Type B personalities have a tendency to procrastinate, as well as a strong streak of impulsivity. Doing household chores, then, is not normally at the forefront of their minds.
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Your clothes are a mess
- As a result, the majority of their clothes tend to be stained and/or wrinkled. It doesn't mean that they are unclean, of course, just occasionally forgetful.
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Your clothes are a mess
- If your laundry hamper is constantly overflowing, and you often find yourself without laundry detergent, you may well be a type B.
© Shutterstock
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You rely heavily on spell-check
- There are several type B tendencies that align heavily with introverted personalities, and one of those is having a heavy reliance on spell-check.
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You rely heavily on spell-check
- They may be quite carefree, but type B people are also very intentional, especially when it comes to conversations and social interactions.
© Shutterstock
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You rely heavily on spell-check
- If you find yourself constantly using spell-check and taking time to craft the perfect message, it may well be down to your type B personality.
© Shutterstock
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You were the class clown
- Research shows that while in many cases they enjoy lots of academic success, type B personalities don't have an achievement-oriented approach in the classroom.
© Shutterstock
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You were the class clown
- Much of the time, their passive and relaxed approach to social academic spaces means that they end up playing the role of class clown.
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You were the class clown
- Moreover, the type B kids are always ready to have a laugh with their neighbor, or help out their friend with a difficult question when they're stuck.
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You can relax in a messy house
- Whereas type A personalities often find themselves overstimulated and unable to relax when among mess, the type B personalities find this much less stressful.
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You can relax in a messy house
- You'll never find a type B person who stresses about washing the dishes or putting away the laundry before sitting down to chill in the evenings.
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You can relax in a messy house
- If you are someone who prioritizes their rest and relaxation, no matter the surroundings, it is likely you have a type B personality.
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You're constantly rearranging furniture
- The final, and perhaps most peculiar, trait of type B people is that they are constantly moving around the furniture in their homes.
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You're constantly rearranging furniture
- However, this is not normally to do with stress or emotional instability. Rather, it is about being flexible and not afraid to shake things up.
© Shutterstock
29 / 31 Fotos
You're constantly rearranging furniture
- One of the best things about being a type B personality is the readiness to adapt and change plans at the last minute. After all, if your environment isn't serving you, why not just change it? Sources: (YourTango) See also: How birth order impacts your personality
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© Shutterstock
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You double book yourself
- People with a type B personality tend to have a much more carefree approach to life than their type A counterparts. Sometimes this can mean a tendency to double book themselves.
© Shutterstock
1 / 31 Fotos
You double book yourself
- If you find yourself accidentally making plans with multiple people at the same time, or even missing work because of a misinterpreted schedule, you may well be a type B.
© Shutterstock
2 / 31 Fotos
You double book yourself
- This does not mean that you are careless, however. It just means that you're more concerned with being present in the current moment than planning for the future.
© Shutterstock
3 / 31 Fotos
Your phone is always out of juice
- Another common trait of people with a type B personality is that their phones are always dead. Again, this tends to be about poor planning.
© Shutterstock
4 / 31 Fotos
Your phone is always out of juice
- If you are constantly finding yourself without a charger, or you tend not to charge your phone overnight, this may be indicative of your type B personality.
© Shutterstock
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Your phone is always out of juice
- That's not to say that type A people don't ever let their phones die, however. The difference is that, generally, they do it on purpose.
© Shutterstock
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You lose your personal belongings on a daily basis
- It is also common for type B people to lose their personal belongings, such as their phones, wallets, and keys, on a daily basis.
© Shutterstock
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You lose your personal belongings on a daily basis
- This tends to happen because they become so engrossed in whatever conversation they're having that there is a breakdown at the interface of their attention and memory.
© Shutterstock
8 / 31 Fotos
Your lose your personal belongings on a daily basis
- If you find yourself searching high and low for your keys every time you need to leave, you may well have a personality at the type B end of the spectrum.
© Shutterstock
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You have an overflowing inbox
- Another common trait of type B people is that they are able to ignore those little red notifications that indicate an unread email or message.
© Shutterstock
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You have an overflowing inbox
- Indeed, people with this personality type tend to have an overflowing inbox, because they recognize that organizing it will cause them unnecessary stress, so they avoid it.
© Shutterstock
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You have an overflowing inbox
- According to psychologists, this awareness is a certain type of intelligence that helps people continue to live in the present and sidestep anxiety.
© Shutterstock
12 / 31 Fotos
You are always late
- Studies show that our type B friends are much more likely to experience chronic lateness than their type A counterparts.
© Shutterstock
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You are always late
- Indeed, the laid-back attitude of the type Bs tends to mean that they procrastinate tasks until the last minute and end up finishing after everyone else.
© Shutterstock
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You are always late
- If you always seem to arrive late because you were caught up in whatever you were doing, it's a good indication that you are a type B.
© Shutterstock
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Your clothes are a mess
- Type B personalities have a tendency to procrastinate, as well as a strong streak of impulsivity. Doing household chores, then, is not normally at the forefront of their minds.
© Shutterstock
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Your clothes are a mess
- As a result, the majority of their clothes tend to be stained and/or wrinkled. It doesn't mean that they are unclean, of course, just occasionally forgetful.
© Shutterstock
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Your clothes are a mess
- If your laundry hamper is constantly overflowing, and you often find yourself without laundry detergent, you may well be a type B.
© Shutterstock
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You rely heavily on spell-check
- There are several type B tendencies that align heavily with introverted personalities, and one of those is having a heavy reliance on spell-check.
© Shutterstock
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You rely heavily on spell-check
- They may be quite carefree, but type B people are also very intentional, especially when it comes to conversations and social interactions.
© Shutterstock
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You rely heavily on spell-check
- If you find yourself constantly using spell-check and taking time to craft the perfect message, it may well be down to your type B personality.
© Shutterstock
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You were the class clown
- Research shows that while in many cases they enjoy lots of academic success, type B personalities don't have an achievement-oriented approach in the classroom.
© Shutterstock
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You were the class clown
- Much of the time, their passive and relaxed approach to social academic spaces means that they end up playing the role of class clown.
© Shutterstock
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You were the class clown
- Moreover, the type B kids are always ready to have a laugh with their neighbor, or help out their friend with a difficult question when they're stuck.
© Shutterstock
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You can relax in a messy house
- Whereas type A personalities often find themselves overstimulated and unable to relax when among mess, the type B personalities find this much less stressful.
© Shutterstock
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You can relax in a messy house
- You'll never find a type B person who stresses about washing the dishes or putting away the laundry before sitting down to chill in the evenings.
© Shutterstock
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You can relax in a messy house
- If you are someone who prioritizes their rest and relaxation, no matter the surroundings, it is likely you have a type B personality.
© Shutterstock
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You're constantly rearranging furniture
- The final, and perhaps most peculiar, trait of type B people is that they are constantly moving around the furniture in their homes.
© Shutterstock
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You're constantly rearranging furniture
- However, this is not normally to do with stress or emotional instability. Rather, it is about being flexible and not afraid to shake things up.
© Shutterstock
29 / 31 Fotos
You're constantly rearranging furniture
- One of the best things about being a type B personality is the readiness to adapt and change plans at the last minute. After all, if your environment isn't serving you, why not just change it? Sources: (YourTango) See also: How birth order impacts your personality
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Signs you are a type B personality
How many of these behaviors do you exhibit?
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The type A and type B theory is a personality hypothesis that describes two opposing personality types. On the type A side, we have personalities that are competitive, highly organized, and impatient, while on the type B side we have those that are more relaxed, less neurotic, and often unaware of time management.
The theory was devised initially in the 1950s by two cardiologists, Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, who came to believe that type A personalities have a higher risk of coronary heart disease. Whether that is true or not, the theory nonetheless entered popular discourse, and nowadays many people describe themselves as either a type A or type B personality.
If you think that you may have more of a type B personality, but you're not sure, there are certain signs you can look for. Curious? Check out this gallery to find out more.

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