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See Again
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World Toilet Day - November 19
- This is not a joke! World Toilet Day has been celebrated annually since 2013 by the United Nations, and in fact, it raises awareness of the 3.6 million people living without access to safe sanitation.
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Epiphany Day - January 6
- Also known as the Three Kings Day, this is a Christian feast day. Epiphany is a tradition observed in some parts of Europe, and is celebrated by eating a "king cake" that usually has a small porcelain baby Jesus baked into it.
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Popcorn Day - January 19
- Popcorn is a delicious crunchy snack mostly enjoyed in cinemas or at stadiums while enjoying a game. It's such a beloved snack that it has its own day!
© Shutterstock
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Umbrella Day - February 10
- There is a whole international day to honor this useful accessory that protects us in the rain. It doesn't always succeed, but it tries its best to hold on when the wind gets a bit rough...
© Shutterstock
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International Dog Day - August 26
- On this day, take some time to appreciate all the dogs who bring joy and love to your life. This is also a great opportunity for people in the business of pet products.
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International Pillow Fight Day - April 5
- International Pillow Fight Day is celebrated annually on the first Saturday of April. The event was first held in New York City in 2003.
© Shutterstock
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Talk Like Yoda Day - May 21
- We all know that May 4th is Star Wars Day, but did you know about Talk Like Yoda Day? This day marks the first appearance of Yoda in the Star Wars series.
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Pizza Day - February 9
- Who doesn’t love pizza? On this day, people in different places organize pizza-making competitions, but you can also simply order in or make your own at home.
© Shutterstock
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Ocean Day - June 8
- This environmental awareness day brings all eyes to the oceans that cover half of our planet. This day brings people's attention to the important of preserving marine life, and communities gather to collect waste from the oceans to show their importance.
© Shutterstock
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National Sickie Day - February 3
- The first Monday in February is usually the day when people are most likely to pull a sickie in the UK, according to statistics by awarenessdays.com. People celebrate with their first paychecks after the holiday season!
© Shutterstock
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World Cocktail Day - May 13
- This day celebrates the day the definition of a cocktail was first published. So make sure to get yourself a cocktail or mocktail on May 13.
© Shutterstock
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Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day - January 11
- Splashing in puddles is a fun thing to do, and not just for kids. This annual day is a great opportunity for those feeling a little mischievous. But it all depends on the weather forecast...
© Shutterstock
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World Beard Day - September 6
- As we all know, November (or Movember) is for mustaches, but did you know September is for beards? September 6 is a day for sharing tips on maintaining a neat beard, or even hosting a beard competition where men can get creative!
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Pluto Demoted Day - August 24
- In 2006, the International Astronomical Union voted to demote Pluto from its position as the ninth planet from the sun. It's now one of many dwarf planets.
© Shutterstock
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World Pasta Day - October 25
- Pasta is such a versatile dish made in so many styles and with different sauces, it simply has to have its own day. On October 25, make your favorite pasta with hundreds of shapes to choose from and top it with your favorite sauce.
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World Television Day - November 21
- The United Nations started World Television Day in 1996. It doesn’t just celebrate the tool but also what television represents as a symbol of communication and globalization.
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World Music Day - June 21
- World Music Day is celebrated on June 21. Music is celebrated in all its forms on this day, and it's a great opportunity to hold a music-based quiz.
© Shutterstock
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International Mountain Day - December 11
- In December, we celebrate World Mountain Day. What better excuse to plan a ski trip for the holidays?
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World Compliment Day - March 1
- This day is celebrated on March 1, and what a perfect way to start the month by complimenting everyone around you and showing them that you appreciate them.
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Star Wars Day - May 4
- As the Jedi masters in the Star Wars movies say, “May the force be with you." This is why Star Wars Day is celebrated on May 4, and fans say, “May the fourth be with you.”
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World Chocolate Day - July 7
- This day celebrates the global love for chocolate. Coincidentally, this day coincides with the birthday of Milton S. Hershey, the founder of the Hershey chocolate company.
© Shutterstock
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Men Make Dinner Day - November 6
- This day opens up the kitchen to all of mankind, with emphasis on the "man." If you hear the banging of pots, pans, and plates in your house, you know what day it is.
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Punctuation Day - September 24
- Celebrated in the US, this day pays tribute to the importance of proper punctuation in the English language. So get your exclamations and full stops right!
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Left-Handers Day - August 13
- This one is for all the lefties out there. Be proud and show everyone you are left-handed. This day also is to raise awareness of the everyday issues a person who is left-handed faces in a world designed for right-handers.
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Lost Sock Memorial Day - May 9
- A minute of silence for all the lost socks around the world! We don’t know where they go but they have surely not been found.
© Shutterstock
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Library Lovers Day - February 14
- Sharing its date with Valentine’s Day is Library Lovers Day. This day is dedicated to libraries, bookworms, and library lovers around the world.
© Shutterstock
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World Emoji Day - July 17
- World Emoji Day is celebrated on this date marking the day when Apple first released iCal for Macs in 2002. Today we see emojis used in everyday communication.
© Shutterstock
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National Hug a Plumber Day - April 25
- In the US, this day celebrates plumbers, whose profession has kept water flowing since Roman times. This day recognizes their hard work, coming to the rescue every time a blocked pipe or leak needs to be fixed.
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Nothing Day - January 16
- Nothing Day was proposed by the San Francisco Examiner columnist Harold Pullman Coffin in 1972. He wanted Nothing Day to be a “non-event” that was observed in the US by doing nothing.
© Shutterstock
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Make Up Your Own Holiday Day - March 26
- There may be thousands of holidays to celebrate, but surely making another one couldn't hurt. March 26 is the day to make your own! Sources: (The Week) (Qualifio) See also: How the days of the week got their names
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© Getty Images
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World Toilet Day - November 19
- This is not a joke! World Toilet Day has been celebrated annually since 2013 by the United Nations, and in fact, it raises awareness of the 3.6 million people living without access to safe sanitation.
© Shutterstock
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Epiphany Day - January 6
- Also known as the Three Kings Day, this is a Christian feast day. Epiphany is a tradition observed in some parts of Europe, and is celebrated by eating a "king cake" that usually has a small porcelain baby Jesus baked into it.
© Shutterstock
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Popcorn Day - January 19
- Popcorn is a delicious crunchy snack mostly enjoyed in cinemas or at stadiums while enjoying a game. It's such a beloved snack that it has its own day!
© Shutterstock
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Umbrella Day - February 10
- There is a whole international day to honor this useful accessory that protects us in the rain. It doesn't always succeed, but it tries its best to hold on when the wind gets a bit rough...
© Shutterstock
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International Dog Day - August 26
- On this day, take some time to appreciate all the dogs who bring joy and love to your life. This is also a great opportunity for people in the business of pet products.
© Shutterstock
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International Pillow Fight Day - April 5
- International Pillow Fight Day is celebrated annually on the first Saturday of April. The event was first held in New York City in 2003.
© Shutterstock
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Talk Like Yoda Day - May 21
- We all know that May 4th is Star Wars Day, but did you know about Talk Like Yoda Day? This day marks the first appearance of Yoda in the Star Wars series.
© Shutterstock
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Pizza Day - February 9
- Who doesn’t love pizza? On this day, people in different places organize pizza-making competitions, but you can also simply order in or make your own at home.
© Shutterstock
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Ocean Day - June 8
- This environmental awareness day brings all eyes to the oceans that cover half of our planet. This day brings people's attention to the important of preserving marine life, and communities gather to collect waste from the oceans to show their importance.
© Shutterstock
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National Sickie Day - February 3
- The first Monday in February is usually the day when people are most likely to pull a sickie in the UK, according to statistics by awarenessdays.com. People celebrate with their first paychecks after the holiday season!
© Shutterstock
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World Cocktail Day - May 13
- This day celebrates the day the definition of a cocktail was first published. So make sure to get yourself a cocktail or mocktail on May 13.
© Shutterstock
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Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day - January 11
- Splashing in puddles is a fun thing to do, and not just for kids. This annual day is a great opportunity for those feeling a little mischievous. But it all depends on the weather forecast...
© Shutterstock
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World Beard Day - September 6
- As we all know, November (or Movember) is for mustaches, but did you know September is for beards? September 6 is a day for sharing tips on maintaining a neat beard, or even hosting a beard competition where men can get creative!
© Shutterstock
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Pluto Demoted Day - August 24
- In 2006, the International Astronomical Union voted to demote Pluto from its position as the ninth planet from the sun. It's now one of many dwarf planets.
© Shutterstock
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World Pasta Day - October 25
- Pasta is such a versatile dish made in so many styles and with different sauces, it simply has to have its own day. On October 25, make your favorite pasta with hundreds of shapes to choose from and top it with your favorite sauce.
© Shutterstock
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World Television Day - November 21
- The United Nations started World Television Day in 1996. It doesn’t just celebrate the tool but also what television represents as a symbol of communication and globalization.
© Shutterstock
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World Music Day - June 21
- World Music Day is celebrated on June 21. Music is celebrated in all its forms on this day, and it's a great opportunity to hold a music-based quiz.
© Shutterstock
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International Mountain Day - December 11
- In December, we celebrate World Mountain Day. What better excuse to plan a ski trip for the holidays?
© Shutterstock
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World Compliment Day - March 1
- This day is celebrated on March 1, and what a perfect way to start the month by complimenting everyone around you and showing them that you appreciate them.
© Shutterstock
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Star Wars Day - May 4
- As the Jedi masters in the Star Wars movies say, “May the force be with you." This is why Star Wars Day is celebrated on May 4, and fans say, “May the fourth be with you.”
© Shutterstock
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World Chocolate Day - July 7
- This day celebrates the global love for chocolate. Coincidentally, this day coincides with the birthday of Milton S. Hershey, the founder of the Hershey chocolate company.
© Shutterstock
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Men Make Dinner Day - November 6
- This day opens up the kitchen to all of mankind, with emphasis on the "man." If you hear the banging of pots, pans, and plates in your house, you know what day it is.
© Shutterstock
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Punctuation Day - September 24
- Celebrated in the US, this day pays tribute to the importance of proper punctuation in the English language. So get your exclamations and full stops right!
© Shutterstock
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Left-Handers Day - August 13
- This one is for all the lefties out there. Be proud and show everyone you are left-handed. This day also is to raise awareness of the everyday issues a person who is left-handed faces in a world designed for right-handers.
© Shutterstock
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Lost Sock Memorial Day - May 9
- A minute of silence for all the lost socks around the world! We don’t know where they go but they have surely not been found.
© Shutterstock
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Library Lovers Day - February 14
- Sharing its date with Valentine’s Day is Library Lovers Day. This day is dedicated to libraries, bookworms, and library lovers around the world.
© Shutterstock
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World Emoji Day - July 17
- World Emoji Day is celebrated on this date marking the day when Apple first released iCal for Macs in 2002. Today we see emojis used in everyday communication.
© Shutterstock
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National Hug a Plumber Day - April 25
- In the US, this day celebrates plumbers, whose profession has kept water flowing since Roman times. This day recognizes their hard work, coming to the rescue every time a blocked pipe or leak needs to be fixed.
© Shutterstock
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Nothing Day - January 16
- Nothing Day was proposed by the San Francisco Examiner columnist Harold Pullman Coffin in 1972. He wanted Nothing Day to be a “non-event” that was observed in the US by doing nothing.
© Shutterstock
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Make Up Your Own Holiday Day - March 26
- There may be thousands of holidays to celebrate, but surely making another one couldn't hurt. March 26 is the day to make your own! Sources: (The Week) (Qualifio) See also: How the days of the week got their names
© Shutterstock
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The most unusual days celebrated in 2025
From Pluto’s Demotion Day to National Hug Day
© Getty Images
There are 365 days in a year, and on any day, you will discover one or more things being celebrated. Some commemorate past events and some are just for fun. For instance, there is even a day dedicated to creating a holiday! Sometimes, special days are there to raise awareness or for charitable purposes. From the weird to the truly important days of the year, we have picked out 30 noteworthy occasions.
Check out this gallery and see which days are celebrated.

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