Countries where surrogacy is illegal

Quite a few European nations are against surrogate motherhood

Stars Insider

18/10/24 | StarsInsider


Families around the world are built in countless ways, but while it is potentially easy for some, there are others who struggle to bear children due to a number of possible reasons. Surrogacy offers hope to many who dream of parenthood, and advancements in medicine and technology have made it all the more possible. Yet this path to creating life is not universally accepted.

While some countries embrace surrogacy with open arms, others strictly forbid it, citing ethical, legal, and cultural concerns. Recently, Italy made it illegal for couples to travel abroad to have a baby via surrogacy, with couples potentially facing up to two years in prison and fines of up to US$1 million. Which countries share the same view? Click through this gallery to find out.

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