The tragedy of diseases that have no name

The problem with undiagnosed medical conditions

Stars Insider

12/02/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Medical

When it comes to diseases that affect humans, some are more predictable than others. On the one hand, there are diseases that doctors already know a lot about, and which tend to affect most people in the same way. On the other hand, there are diseases that are poorly understood, and whose symptoms vary greatly from person to person. But one of the few things worse than living with an unpredictable disease is dealing with one that eludes diagnosis completely.

So-called "undiagnosed diseases" are rare, but they do exist, and they disproportionately affect children under the age of five. Indeed, for the parents and carers of a child with an undiagnosed disease, life can be very difficult. Check out this gallery to find out more.

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