The worrying rise in global armed conflict

Will the world ever be at peace?

Stars Insider

17 hours ago | StarsInsider


How many armed conflicts are currently taking place around the world? Have a guess. Twenty perhaps? Fifty? The truth is more than 100 situations of armed violence are in progress across the globe. That's according to the Geneva Academy, which conducts legal research and policy studies in the fields of international law in armed conflict and human rights protection. War has been on the rise since 2012, triggered by the Arab uprisings. Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war have made headline news, but there are dozens of lesser-known conflicts taking place, some lasting for over 50 years. 

Referencing the academy and a list compiled by the International Crisis Group, here are 10 conflicts to watch in 2024, and the most volatile regions of the world where the waging of war has become a way of life. Click through and find out where the efforts to end fighting have failed.

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