Famous people with Tourette's syndrome

These famous figures have battled with the little-understood condition

Stars Insider

26/06/24 | StarsInsider


Tourette's syndrome, a condition that has very likely existed for as long as humans have but was only officially discovered in the 19th century, remains to this day shrouded in mystery. The condition, closely associated with involuntary tics and commonly accompanied by an obsessive-compulsive disorder, was once thought to be extremely rare. More recent studies, however, estimate that around 1% of the world's population lives with Tourette's syndrome, if not more. Tourette's can affect everyone differently, and while the condition is still being studied, many famous figures and celebrities with Tourette's have stepped up to break the stigma and share their experiences of living with tics.

Read on to learn more about Tourette's syndrome and the people who have it.

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