Why isn't the darkest time of year also the coldest?

The solstices aren't the coldest or hottest times of the year

Stars Insider

14/01/25 | StarsInsider


When people think about the coldest or hottest days of the year, they might instinctively link them to the solstices—the shortest and longest days of the year. After all, the winter solstice marks the day with the least sunlight, while the summer solstice boasts the longest day. Yet, intriguingly, the coldest days of winter often arrive weeks after the winter solstice, and the hottest days of summer don’t coincide with the solstice either.

This curious mismatch raises the question: why isn’t the darkest time of the year also the coldest? And why does the peak of summer heat lag behind the longest day of the year? The answer lies somewhere in the way the planet is designed and how it moves around the Sun. Click through this gallery to see exactly what science has to say.

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