What is the Rorschach test, and why is it so controversial?

Using inkblots to diagnose mental illness

Stars Insider

06/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Psychology

First designed by a Swiss psychiatrist in the early 20th century, the Rorschach test is a projective test that is used to diagnose mental illness. Indeed, it is very divisive in the psychology community. Those who believe in the Rorschach test think it is a valuable diagnostic tool that has widespread applications. To the experts who don't believe in it, however, the Rorschach test is complete quack, pseudoscience at best.

Despite being shrouded in controversy, the Rorschach test continues to be used in many important contexts, such as diagnosing defendants in criminal trials with mental illness. Curious? Check out this gallery to find out more.

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