The sad reality of child marriage around the world

A girl marries every 30 seconds

Stars Insider

07/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Social issues

Child marriage remains a global crisis, depriving millions of girls of education, health, and future opportunities. In 2024, Colombia achieved a significant milestone by outlawing child marriage after a 17-year campaign, closing a 137-year legal loophole. The country is now one of only 12 in Latin America and the Caribbean to completely ban the practice for minors. Meanwhile, Save the Children's 'Global Girlhood Report 2024: Fragile Futures' highlights a devastating link between child marriage and fragile states, where 32 million girls live in "fragility-child marriage hotspots." Despite progress in some areas, rates remain alarmingly high, perpetuating poverty, inequality, and lifelong harm.

Click on to learn more about the sad reality of child marriage around the world.

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