Remembering the Charlie Hebdo attacks 10 years on

France is still "Je Suis Charlie"

Stars Insider

07/01/25 | StarsInsider


On January 7, 2015, two gunmen stormed the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris and killed 11 people. A 12th person was slain outside the premises shortly afterwards. The murders would mark the first three days of terrorist attacks in the French capital: the following day, another five innocent victims died in a related incident.

The Charlie Hebdo killings profoundly shocked France. The attack prompted an outpouring of grief across the country, expressed in a wave of "Je Suis Charlie" ("I Am Charlie") solidarity with the victims.

Today, Charlie Hebdo is still being published, with a special commemorative issue currently on sale marking the grim anniversary. And a decade on, it's worth reminding ourselves what fueled these dreadful assaults, and how the world reacted.

Click through and revisit January 7, 2015, a day forever forged in the collective consciousness of the French people.

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