What exactly is white knight syndrome?

Plus, how to deal with it

Stars Insider

30/10/24 | StarsInsider


White knight syndrome (WKS) is best described as a strong and chronic urge to always help other people. People who struggle with WKS (which is also sometimes referred to as having a rescue or savior complex) tend to offer other people unsolicited advice and go to great lengths to help those around them, even sometimes when it's to their own detriment.

WKS is often caused by childhood trauma, and it has a number of different manifestations. Some people feel an overwhelming sense of guilt when they are not able to resolve everyone else's problems, while others feel horribly disappointed when their offer of help is rejected.

If you think you may suffer from WKS, or you know someone who might, there are things you can do to help tackle it. Check out this gallery to learn all about white knight syndrome and how to get a handle on it.

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