The strange rules presidential children have to follow

It's not easy growing up in the White House

Stars Insider

25/06/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE White house

One can imagine that being the child of the President of the United States isn't exactly an easy role. Yet, the children in the first families have no other option. Having a parent who's the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world surely comes with its benefits, but being in the spotlight also comes with a lot of pressure and public scrutiny. Just think about all the comments that have been made about Chelsea Clinton, Sasha and Malia Obama, and Barron Trump. 

On top of that, presidential children also have to follow a strict set of rules and guidelines that affect everything from how they act in public, to where they go to school, to their daily life at home. Click on for some of the rules the president's children are expected to follow. 

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