The pillory, history's most notorious public humiliation device

What was this ancient instrument used to shame and humiliate?

Stars Insider

28/11/23 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Middle ages

The pillory was a feared instrument used for punishment by public humiliation. Popular throughout the Middle Ages right up until the late 19th century, the device facilitated a type of corporal correction where petty criminals and others found guilty of minor wrongdoings, such as perjury, sedition, or subornation, would find themselves on public display bound by the head and hands in a wooden frame erected on a post. It was a cruel, common, and degrading method of castigation that found favor with the judiciary as well as an audience of hundreds who would gather to jeer and gloat over the hapless victim. While the practice has been long abolished, to pillory someone today is to verbally ridicule them publicly. But what was it like to physically be restrained in one of these awful contraptions?

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