Famous figures who overcame their fear of public speaking

Freedom From Fear of Speaking Day is observed on July 2

Stars Insider

02/07/24 | StarsInsider


Of all the phobias out there, glossophobia (otherwise known as a fear of public speaking) has to be one of the most common. Most people, when asked, say that they'd rather not stand up in front of a group of people and give a speech. Fortunately for most, it's generally possible to avoid having to give a speech. Some of us go our whole lives without ever having to do it! For celebrities, however, this is rarely the case.

Most celebs make speech-giving look effortless, as if the prospect of speaking in front of a crowd couldn't induce anxiety if it tried. In reality, however, many celebs face a fear of public speaking just like the rest of us.

Check out this gallery to find out which famous figures had to overcome their fear of public speaking.

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