The day British forces set fire to the White House

Why did Washington go up in flames?

Stars Insider

20/01/25 | StarsInsider


The sacking of Washington, D.C. and the burning of the White House by British troops in 1814 remains a seminal event in American history. The assault on the country's political and cultural heart took place during the War of 1812 and was effectively a savage act of revenge for an earlier victory by US forces in what was then known as Upper Canada.

The assault on Washington in 1814 was the only time since the American Revolutionary War that a foreign power had captured and occupied a United States Capitol. And it occurred, ironically, at the same time the British invited the Americans to start peace talks. But what were the circumstances leading up to this audacious invasion, and how did the president and his administration react?

Click through the following gallery and revisit one of the most consequential episodes in the annuals of the United States.

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