Has a naval war already started?

Is conflict on the high seas looming?

Stars Insider

25/06/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE World affairs

In June 2024, a Russian warship and a nuclear-powered submarine docked in Havana, Cuba, along with two support vessels. Their presence served as a curtain-raiser to a much larger Russian naval exercise due to take place in the Caribbean within the next few months. The show of strength was not lost on Washington, and was interpreted by some as a response to American support for Ukraine. Nonetheless, all eyes are currently on the South China Sea, where a recent encounter between a Philippine Navy chartered vessel and the Chinese coast guard prompted the president of the Philippines to describe the incident as very close to an "act of war." So, how close are we to witnessing disputes of this kind fueling a global maritime conflict?

Click through and learn more about the threat Russia and China pose to world peace.

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