Questions that are asked during the marriage green card interview

This is what a spouse needs to know in order to obtain permanent residency in the United States

Stars Insider

19/07/24 | StarsInsider


A green card, or permanent residency card, is an identity document that shows that a person has permanent residency in the United States. A marriage-based green card lets a US citizen or green card holder's spouse live and work anywhere in the United States. Those choosing to apply for residency down this route are obliged to sit an interview to prove that the marriage is authentic rather than one of convenience (i.e. arranged in order to fast-track the green card application process). The marriage interview is therefore rigorous and probing. Anyone preparing to sit such an interview will be asked a series of pertinent questions, the answers of which will be cross-referenced against those given by the other member of the union.

Intrigued? Referencing US immigration specialist Boundless, click through this sample list of questions that are typically asked by interview officers.

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