Who was Alexei Navalny, and why did so many wait in line to visit his grave?

The life and death of Alexei Navalny

Stars Insider

04/03/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Alexei navalny

The death on February 16, 2024, of Alexei Navalny shocked and angered the world. According to Russian officials, he died in the Arctic penal colony where he was serving a 19-year sentence. Navalny rose to prominence exposing high-level corruption within Russia's government. He achieved international recognition as the Kremlin's most outspoken critic, openly accusing President Vladimir Putin's regime of "sucking the blood out of Russia" through a "feudal state" concentrating power in the Kremlin. Navalny organized anti-government demonstrations, his voice speaking the street language of younger Russians. But it's that same voice that was suspiciously silenced in northwestern Siberia in what many regard as an assassination ordered by Putin himself. But what do we know about this opposition leader, political activist, and lone uniting figure?

Click through and revisit the life and death of Alexei Navalny.

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