The hidden dangers of an unclean home

Dust, critters, and odors galore!

Stars Insider

07/09/24 | StarsInsider


Are you a compulsive cleaner? Maybe not. But there are surely times when you put off tidying up, and that's fine. Problem is when procrastination takes over, so does the dust and... well, other things that you're about to find out about. 

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you stopped cleaning the house? While the thought of a life without vacuuming and scrubbing may seem tempting, it’s worth thinking about the negative effects of neglecting housework, or not hiring a bit of help. Cleaners can literally be lifesavers—and that's no exaggeration.

Doubts? Concerns? Or maybe you just can't wait to show this gallery to your 'easy-going' roommate/spouse/children/friends? Click on for more.

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