Why mime artist Marcel Marceau left everyone speechless

The greatest mime artist in the world saved dozens of children during WWII

Stars Insider

03/03/25 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Entertainment

Marcel Marceau is considered the greatest mime artist in history. Best known for his Bip the Clown character, Marceau was also celebrated for his many mimodramas—performances of dramatic work through mime.

While he is remembered for an extraordinary ability to deliver silent performances with eloquence, deceptive simplicity, and balletic grace, Marcel Marceau also took on a far more dangerous and dramatic role during the Second World War as a member of the French Resistance. During his time with the Resistance, he saved dozens of Jewish children from certain death not by using a gun but by miming his way out of trouble.

Intrigued? Click through the following gallery and learn more about the master of silence.

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