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'When the Pawn...' by Fiona Apple
- Fiona Apple used a 90-word poem she wrote in response to accusations of not being genuine as the title of her second album. The full title is: "When the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king What he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight And he'll win the whole thing 'fore he enters the ring There's no body to batter when your mind is your might So when you go solo, you hold your own hand / And remember that depth is the greatest of heights And if you know where you stand, then you know where to land And if you fall it won't matter, cuz you'll know that you're right."
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'I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It' by The 1975
- "Before I made the album I made the decision, that's the name of the album. Because it makes me feel slightly uneasy. I believe in it and it just feels right. If I make this decision now and stand by it, then that becomes the ethos for the album," explained the band's singer, Matt Healy.
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'Kisses on the Bottom' by Paul McCartney
- Okay, the title is actually about kisses people write at the bottom of letters... But taken out of context, it certainly seems to have another meaning.
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'Fush Yu Mang' by Smash Mouth
- 'Fush Yu Mang' is supposed to emulate the way Al Pacino swears while playing Cuban mobster Tony Montana in the movie 'Scarface.'
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'How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul???' by Public Enemy
- This spectacular tongue twister is akin to the famous "she sells sea shells by the sea shore." Rap edition, of course.
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'You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tuna Fish.' by REO Speedwagon
- This album title by REO Speedwagon is based on a joke. Front man Kevin Cronin loved it so much when he heard it that he used it to name the band's album. "I felt it was a good match and everyone agreed," he said.
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'Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd' by Lana Del Rey
- Well, did you? It's true! Lana Del Ray is making a reference to the Jergins Tunnel, which closed to the public in 1967.
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'Aijuswanaseing' by Musiq Soulchild
- Did he mean "I just wanna sing?" Sure, it sounds reasonable for a singer, but the alternative spelling is just confusing...
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'Most of the Remixes' by Soulwax
- The title of this album by the Belgian electronic duo Soulwax is the second-longest ever. It reads: ‘Most of the remixes we’ve made for other people over the years except for the one for Einstürzende Neubauten because we lost it and a few we didn’t think sounded good enough or just didn’t fit in length-wise, but including some that are hard to find because either people forgot about them or simply because they haven’t been released yet, a few we really love, one we think is just ok, some we did for free, some we did for money, some for ourselves without permission and some for friends as swaps but never on time and always at our studio in Ghent.’
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'The Album' by Jonas Brothers
- Why bother, right? It does exactly what it says on the tin. The group did have another name for the album originally, which was frankly more interesting: 'Blue Jeans and Marijuana.'
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‘Ten New Songs’ by Leonard Cohen
- Cohen keeps it simple, very much in the vein of the aforementioned Jonas Brothers album. This was also his tenth album, so extra points for the use of "ten."
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'Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik' by OutKast
- Not only is the album title a very long-winded one, there is also a song title in it with a similar styling, called 'Myintrotoletuknow.'
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'The Boy Bands Have Won' by Chumbawamba
- This 2008 album by the British group Chumbawamba has the longest title ever. The full version is: 'The boy bands have won, and all the copyists and the tribute bands and the TV talent show producers have won, if we allow our culture to be shaped by mimicry, whether from lack of ideas or from exaggerated respect. You should never try to freeze culture. What you can do is recycle that culture. Take your older brother's hand-me-down jacket and re-style it, re-fashion it to the point where it becomes your own. But don't just regurgitate creative history, or hold art and music and literature as fixed, untouchable and kept under glass. The people who try to 'guard' any particular form of music are, like the copyists and manufactured bands, doing it the worst disservice, because the only thing that you can do to music that will damage it is not change it, not make it your own. Because then it dies, then it's over, then it's done, and the boy bands have won.'
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'The Day They Shot a Hole in the Jesus Egg: 1989-1991' by The Flaming Lips
- The Flaming Lips always had albums with very creative titles, and this compilation is no different. This one in particular is taken for the lyrics of one of their songs, called 'Five Stop Mother Superior Rain.'
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'Big Willie Style' by Will Smith
- Will Smith's debut album has a funny (or poorly chosen) title. "Big Willie" was slang for drug dealers back in the '90s. As for "willie," you probably know what it means...
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‘This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That’ by Marnie Stern
- Marnie Stern's second album sure has an interesting title. But the question remains: what exactly is it?
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‘Give a Monkey a Brain Transplant and He’ll Swear He’s the Centre of the Universe’ by Fishbone
- The album title of the LA ska-punk band Fishbone is actually a quote from the Discordian religious text 'Principia Discordia.'
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‘From Genesis to Revelation’ by Genesis
- It's not every day that you find an album title with two biblical references. Not to mention the name of the prog-rock outfit, of course.
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'Hey, Man, Smell My Finger' by George Clinton
- This is probably something Clinton said to a friend when he was a kid. Sure, it's very childish, but it's funny too.
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‘Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy’ by Elton John
- This 1975 album was a huge hit. The title refers to Elton John (Captain Fantastic) and lyricist Bernie Taupin (Brown Dirt Cowboy).
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'Enema of the State' by Blink 182
- Another poor, yet funny, word play. 'Enemy of the State' wouldn't be as interesting, right?
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'A Salt with a Deadly Pepa' by Salt-n-Pepa
- This album cover could well be a salt shaker pointing a weapon at a pepper shaker.
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'Dookie' by Green Day
- According to the band, the album title was inspired by a moment when band members had diarrhea caused by food poisoning while on tour. In fact, the original title was 'Liquid Dookie.'
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'Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse' by Mariah Carey
- The "Me. I Am Mariah" part of the title supposedly comes from a self-portrait the singer drew when she was a child. As for the second, it's a nickname she claimed some people called her.
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‘Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends’ by Coldplay
- We're not sure why Chris Martin couldn't pick life or death on this title. How hard can it be, right?
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'Paula' by Robin Thicke
- This one just sounds a bit desperate. Thicke's album was released amid his divorce from wife Paula Patton.
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‘Picturesque Matchstickable Messages from the Status Quo’ by Status Quo
- The debut studio album from the British rockers Status Quo has a pretty unique title.
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‘Rap-Murr-Phobia (The Fear of Real Hip-Hop)’ by Keith Murray
- We wonder if anyone actually has Rap-Murr-Phobia? Sources: (Ranker) (NME)
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'When the Pawn...' by Fiona Apple
- Fiona Apple used a 90-word poem she wrote in response to accusations of not being genuine as the title of her second album. The full title is: "When the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king What he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight And he'll win the whole thing 'fore he enters the ring There's no body to batter when your mind is your might So when you go solo, you hold your own hand / And remember that depth is the greatest of heights And if you know where you stand, then you know where to land And if you fall it won't matter, cuz you'll know that you're right."
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'I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It' by The 1975
- "Before I made the album I made the decision, that's the name of the album. Because it makes me feel slightly uneasy. I believe in it and it just feels right. If I make this decision now and stand by it, then that becomes the ethos for the album," explained the band's singer, Matt Healy.
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'Kisses on the Bottom' by Paul McCartney
- Okay, the title is actually about kisses people write at the bottom of letters... But taken out of context, it certainly seems to have another meaning.
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'Fush Yu Mang' by Smash Mouth
- 'Fush Yu Mang' is supposed to emulate the way Al Pacino swears while playing Cuban mobster Tony Montana in the movie 'Scarface.'
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'How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul???' by Public Enemy
- This spectacular tongue twister is akin to the famous "she sells sea shells by the sea shore." Rap edition, of course.
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'You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tuna Fish.' by REO Speedwagon
- This album title by REO Speedwagon is based on a joke. Front man Kevin Cronin loved it so much when he heard it that he used it to name the band's album. "I felt it was a good match and everyone agreed," he said.
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'Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd' by Lana Del Rey
- Well, did you? It's true! Lana Del Ray is making a reference to the Jergins Tunnel, which closed to the public in 1967.
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'Aijuswanaseing' by Musiq Soulchild
- Did he mean "I just wanna sing?" Sure, it sounds reasonable for a singer, but the alternative spelling is just confusing...
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'Most of the Remixes' by Soulwax
- The title of this album by the Belgian electronic duo Soulwax is the second-longest ever. It reads: ‘Most of the remixes we’ve made for other people over the years except for the one for Einstürzende Neubauten because we lost it and a few we didn’t think sounded good enough or just didn’t fit in length-wise, but including some that are hard to find because either people forgot about them or simply because they haven’t been released yet, a few we really love, one we think is just ok, some we did for free, some we did for money, some for ourselves without permission and some for friends as swaps but never on time and always at our studio in Ghent.’
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'The Album' by Jonas Brothers
- Why bother, right? It does exactly what it says on the tin. The group did have another name for the album originally, which was frankly more interesting: 'Blue Jeans and Marijuana.'
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‘Ten New Songs’ by Leonard Cohen
- Cohen keeps it simple, very much in the vein of the aforementioned Jonas Brothers album. This was also his tenth album, so extra points for the use of "ten."
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'Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik' by OutKast
- Not only is the album title a very long-winded one, there is also a song title in it with a similar styling, called 'Myintrotoletuknow.'
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'The Boy Bands Have Won' by Chumbawamba
- This 2008 album by the British group Chumbawamba has the longest title ever. The full version is: 'The boy bands have won, and all the copyists and the tribute bands and the TV talent show producers have won, if we allow our culture to be shaped by mimicry, whether from lack of ideas or from exaggerated respect. You should never try to freeze culture. What you can do is recycle that culture. Take your older brother's hand-me-down jacket and re-style it, re-fashion it to the point where it becomes your own. But don't just regurgitate creative history, or hold art and music and literature as fixed, untouchable and kept under glass. The people who try to 'guard' any particular form of music are, like the copyists and manufactured bands, doing it the worst disservice, because the only thing that you can do to music that will damage it is not change it, not make it your own. Because then it dies, then it's over, then it's done, and the boy bands have won.'
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'The Day They Shot a Hole in the Jesus Egg: 1989-1991' by The Flaming Lips
- The Flaming Lips always had albums with very creative titles, and this compilation is no different. This one in particular is taken for the lyrics of one of their songs, called 'Five Stop Mother Superior Rain.'
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'Big Willie Style' by Will Smith
- Will Smith's debut album has a funny (or poorly chosen) title. "Big Willie" was slang for drug dealers back in the '90s. As for "willie," you probably know what it means...
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‘This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That’ by Marnie Stern
- Marnie Stern's second album sure has an interesting title. But the question remains: what exactly is it?
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‘Give a Monkey a Brain Transplant and He’ll Swear He’s the Centre of the Universe’ by Fishbone
- The album title of the LA ska-punk band Fishbone is actually a quote from the Discordian religious text 'Principia Discordia.'
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‘From Genesis to Revelation’ by Genesis
- It's not every day that you find an album title with two biblical references. Not to mention the name of the prog-rock outfit, of course.
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'Hey, Man, Smell My Finger' by George Clinton
- This is probably something Clinton said to a friend when he was a kid. Sure, it's very childish, but it's funny too.
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‘Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy’ by Elton John
- This 1975 album was a huge hit. The title refers to Elton John (Captain Fantastic) and lyricist Bernie Taupin (Brown Dirt Cowboy).
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'Enema of the State' by Blink 182
- Another poor, yet funny, word play. 'Enemy of the State' wouldn't be as interesting, right?
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'A Salt with a Deadly Pepa' by Salt-n-Pepa
- This album cover could well be a salt shaker pointing a weapon at a pepper shaker.
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'Dookie' by Green Day
- According to the band, the album title was inspired by a moment when band members had diarrhea caused by food poisoning while on tour. In fact, the original title was 'Liquid Dookie.'
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'Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse' by Mariah Carey
- The "Me. I Am Mariah" part of the title supposedly comes from a self-portrait the singer drew when she was a child. As for the second, it's a nickname she claimed some people called her.
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‘Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends’ by Coldplay
- We're not sure why Chris Martin couldn't pick life or death on this title. How hard can it be, right?
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'Paula' by Robin Thicke
- This one just sounds a bit desperate. Thicke's album was released amid his divorce from wife Paula Patton.
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‘Picturesque Matchstickable Messages from the Status Quo’ by Status Quo
- The debut studio album from the British rockers Status Quo has a pretty unique title.
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‘Rap-Murr-Phobia (The Fear of Real Hip-Hop)’ by Keith Murray
- We wonder if anyone actually has Rap-Murr-Phobia? Sources: (Ranker) (NME)
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The most unconventional album titles in music history
Some are so bad, they're good
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It's not easy to come up with an original and meaningful album title, but many music artists manage to do so, even if that means choosing something outrageous and hilarious. Music history is full of whacky album titles, some of which are so bad, they're good! Although some are still just bad...
From basic, boring, and literal titles, to inventive, long-winded, and nonsensical ones, in this gallery, you'll find some of the worst album titles ever. Click on through to reveal them.

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