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See Again
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Bathing them too often
- In general, dogs aren't very fond of baths, especially if bath time is often. At a minimum, bathe your dog at least once every three months. You can wash your dog as frequently as every other week, with a gentle dog shampoo, but that's it.
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Not letting them sniff around the street
- Dogs sniff everything to extract information from their surrounding environment. If you prevent your furry friend from sniffing, then they won't be able to learn about their neighborhood. And that's upsetting.
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Not letting them catch a toy
- If you're playing catch with your dog, but don't actually let them catch the toy, then you're creating a lot of anxiety.
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Ignoring them when you come home
- Your dog has been alone all day and misses you. Even if you're tired, give your dog some attention—they need it.
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Strong smells
- Dogs have an incredible sense of smell that's much better than that of humans. Naturally, strong smells like bleach affect them much more than us.
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Leaving them alone
- A lot of dogs hate being left alone all day. This can cause a lot of stress, so if you have a busy schedule, consider hiring someone who can be with them and take them out on a walk for some exercise.
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Forcing them to interact with other dogs
- Just like your dog might not like certain people, they might not like certain dogs. Don't force them to interact with them.
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Dressing them up
- Maybe you think it's fun dressing your dog up, but they might not share the same feeling. Pay attention if you notice behaviors and reactions indicating their dissatisfaction. If so, remove the items immediately.
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Having their paw pads touched
- These pads are the thick, rubbery part of the dog's paw. It's a super sensitive area for them, so touching them can be uncomfortable.
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Sending confusing signals
- Dogs understand our body language better than our verbal language. And while they might understand words like "sit," "walk," and "come," they're usually guided more by our gestures.
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Exposing them directly to their fears
- If your dog dreads fireworks, which they probably do, don't take them out if you know they're about to shoot them. This can cause your pet a lot of stress.
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Petting them when they're afraid
- You should never pet a dog when they're afraid. This only reinforces the fear. The best approach is letting them be alone, but with you nearby.
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Staring into their eyes
- Having sustained eye contact isn’t the bonding experience you think it is. In reality, dogs don't know if it's a threat or a challenge. It can make them feel intimated, confused, and super uncomfortable.
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Going for a quick walk
- Sure, we're all busy, and sometimes we feel super lazy. But that's not your dog's fault. They deserve a proper walk, so they can stretch their legs and go to the bathroom.
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When you're tense or in a bad mood
- When you're tense or in a bad mood, your dog often acts as a mirror and feels the same way. So for the benefit of both of you, try to make sure your bad mood doesn't last for long.
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Talking to them in "their language"
- Constantly woofing and barking at your pup can be terrifying for them. Especially if you're getting louder and louder. Also, yelling at them to quiet them doesn’t work either. In fact, they might even get louder.
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Loud environments
- From loud voices to vacuum cleaners and fireworks, everything loud will truly frighten and disturb your dog. Keep an appropriate tone and always try to spare them from loud, uncontrollable noises.
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Not having any rules
- Most dogs aren't natural-born leaders. They need you to give them structure, rules, and routines. But if they feel no one is providing any leadership, then they might take on that role. This can cause some serious issues like aggression and destruction.
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Using a tight leash
- A tight leash conveys stress, frustration, and nervousness to the dog. And if you walk your doggo by pulling them, then you're sending messages of alertness to run away or fight.
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Showering them with hugs
- While hugging is a way for humans to express love and gratitude, dogs don't take it the same way. For them, it's a sign of dominance, which can cause confusion and irritation.
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Having their nails trimmed
- Some dogs will tolerate having their nails trimmed, but most dogs really don’t like it. However, if you gradually get them used to it, then they should eventually come around to it.
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Keeping them bored
- Dogs need a certain amount of mental stimulation on a daily basis. If keep your furry companion bored, then their psychological health may suffer.
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Smooching their snout
- While kissing is a sign of affection for humans, planting a giant smooch on a dog's snout and forehead can cause problems. Then, even the nicest of dogs can try to bite you.
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Waking them up
- No one likes being woken up, including your doggo. As they age, they can sleep more heavily and react poorly if woken up abruptly. Just let a sleeping dog be.
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Focusing on their head
- While you might think it's a sign of affection, don't tap your dog on the head. This form of interaction brings about uncomfortable feelings in dogs.
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Teasing them
- In case you find teasing funny, your dog really doesn't. Teasing them with food and never letting them have it may leave your dog with serious behavioral problems.
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Breaking up a puppy wrestling match
- Some people might see puppies growling, barking, and tackling each other as a fight. But it's all perfectly normal dog behavior. And by breaking them up, you might be stunting their social skills.
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Assuming a wagging tail means a happy dog
- Dogs use their tails to express all kinds of emotions, not only happiness. Yet, many people interpret any wagging tail as such. Be attentive: a tail straight up is a sign of an alert dog, while a tucked tail means nervousness and submission.
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Treating them like babies
- Treating your dog like a baby is incredibly irritating. While you might be tempted to carry them up in the air or rock them back and forth, they'll just get confused and angry. Sources: (Treehugger) (Inside Dogs World)
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Bathing them too often
- In general, dogs aren't very fond of baths, especially if bath time is often. At a minimum, bathe your dog at least once every three months. You can wash your dog as frequently as every other week, with a gentle dog shampoo, but that's it.
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Not letting them sniff around the street
- Dogs sniff everything to extract information from their surrounding environment. If you prevent your furry friend from sniffing, then they won't be able to learn about their neighborhood. And that's upsetting.
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Not letting them catch a toy
- If you're playing catch with your dog, but don't actually let them catch the toy, then you're creating a lot of anxiety.
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Ignoring them when you come home
- Your dog has been alone all day and misses you. Even if you're tired, give your dog some attention—they need it.
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Strong smells
- Dogs have an incredible sense of smell that's much better than that of humans. Naturally, strong smells like bleach affect them much more than us.
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Leaving them alone
- A lot of dogs hate being left alone all day. This can cause a lot of stress, so if you have a busy schedule, consider hiring someone who can be with them and take them out on a walk for some exercise.
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Forcing them to interact with other dogs
- Just like your dog might not like certain people, they might not like certain dogs. Don't force them to interact with them.
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Dressing them up
- Maybe you think it's fun dressing your dog up, but they might not share the same feeling. Pay attention if you notice behaviors and reactions indicating their dissatisfaction. If so, remove the items immediately.
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Having their paw pads touched
- These pads are the thick, rubbery part of the dog's paw. It's a super sensitive area for them, so touching them can be uncomfortable.
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Sending confusing signals
- Dogs understand our body language better than our verbal language. And while they might understand words like "sit," "walk," and "come," they're usually guided more by our gestures.
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Exposing them directly to their fears
- If your dog dreads fireworks, which they probably do, don't take them out if you know they're about to shoot them. This can cause your pet a lot of stress.
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Petting them when they're afraid
- You should never pet a dog when they're afraid. This only reinforces the fear. The best approach is letting them be alone, but with you nearby.
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Staring into their eyes
- Having sustained eye contact isn’t the bonding experience you think it is. In reality, dogs don't know if it's a threat or a challenge. It can make them feel intimated, confused, and super uncomfortable.
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Going for a quick walk
- Sure, we're all busy, and sometimes we feel super lazy. But that's not your dog's fault. They deserve a proper walk, so they can stretch their legs and go to the bathroom.
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When you're tense or in a bad mood
- When you're tense or in a bad mood, your dog often acts as a mirror and feels the same way. So for the benefit of both of you, try to make sure your bad mood doesn't last for long.
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Talking to them in "their language"
- Constantly woofing and barking at your pup can be terrifying for them. Especially if you're getting louder and louder. Also, yelling at them to quiet them doesn’t work either. In fact, they might even get louder.
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Loud environments
- From loud voices to vacuum cleaners and fireworks, everything loud will truly frighten and disturb your dog. Keep an appropriate tone and always try to spare them from loud, uncontrollable noises.
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Not having any rules
- Most dogs aren't natural-born leaders. They need you to give them structure, rules, and routines. But if they feel no one is providing any leadership, then they might take on that role. This can cause some serious issues like aggression and destruction.
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Using a tight leash
- A tight leash conveys stress, frustration, and nervousness to the dog. And if you walk your doggo by pulling them, then you're sending messages of alertness to run away or fight.
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Showering them with hugs
- While hugging is a way for humans to express love and gratitude, dogs don't take it the same way. For them, it's a sign of dominance, which can cause confusion and irritation.
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Having their nails trimmed
- Some dogs will tolerate having their nails trimmed, but most dogs really don’t like it. However, if you gradually get them used to it, then they should eventually come around to it.
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Keeping them bored
- Dogs need a certain amount of mental stimulation on a daily basis. If keep your furry companion bored, then their psychological health may suffer.
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Smooching their snout
- While kissing is a sign of affection for humans, planting a giant smooch on a dog's snout and forehead can cause problems. Then, even the nicest of dogs can try to bite you.
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Waking them up
- No one likes being woken up, including your doggo. As they age, they can sleep more heavily and react poorly if woken up abruptly. Just let a sleeping dog be.
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Focusing on their head
- While you might think it's a sign of affection, don't tap your dog on the head. This form of interaction brings about uncomfortable feelings in dogs.
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Teasing them
- In case you find teasing funny, your dog really doesn't. Teasing them with food and never letting them have it may leave your dog with serious behavioral problems.
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Breaking up a puppy wrestling match
- Some people might see puppies growling, barking, and tackling each other as a fight. But it's all perfectly normal dog behavior. And by breaking them up, you might be stunting their social skills.
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Assuming a wagging tail means a happy dog
- Dogs use their tails to express all kinds of emotions, not only happiness. Yet, many people interpret any wagging tail as such. Be attentive: a tail straight up is a sign of an alert dog, while a tucked tail means nervousness and submission.
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Treating them like babies
- Treating your dog like a baby is incredibly irritating. While you might be tempted to carry them up in the air or rock them back and forth, they'll just get confused and angry. Sources: (Treehugger) (Inside Dogs World)
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Common human behaviors that dogs dislike
You may be guilty of some of these actions
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Dogs are fairly easy to please, and they can quickly become our best friends. They love food, walks, and attention from their favorite people. However, we don't always make it easy for them. Sometimes, we might do things that they actually hate. And while some dogs are more tolerant and laid-back than others, most of them will become fairly upset and stressed with these human actions. After all, how would you feel if someone gave you an unwanted hug?
Want to discover other things dogs simply can't stand? Then click on and check out the following gallery.

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