The New 7 Wonders of Nature

The list that captures the essence of nature's glory

Stars Insider

20/01/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Landmarks

Nature has always inspired humanity with its boundless beauty, power, and mystery. Whether travelers are exploring towering mountains or cascading waterfalls, the Earth is adorned with wonders that transcend imagination. In 2007, a global initiative sought to capture the essence of these natural masterpieces by creating a new list of the "7 Wonders of Nature."

This list not only celebrates Earth's awe-inspiring landscapes, but also speaks to the deep cultural and ecological significance they hold. The effort wasn’t just about recognition, however; it was about fostering global unity, inspiring conservation, and celebrating the natural beauty that transcends borders. But how does this list differ from the original 7 Natural Wonders of the World? And why were they changed in the first place? Click through the following gallery to find out.

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