Trump to rename Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America”

The change will take effect in the US, but other countries won’t be required to follow

Stars Insider

21/01/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Geopolitics

In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump reiterated his intention to rename the Gulf of Mexico the "Gulf of America,” marking one of his first executive orders as the country’s once-again president. He also indicated that currently the territory is being run by cartels, and that the change would be “beautiful” and “appropriate.”

"We're going to be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, which has a beautiful ring that covers a lot of territory, the Gulf of America," Trump said during his speech. "What a beautiful name. And it's appropriate. It's appropriate. And Mexico has to stop allowing millions of people to pour into our country."

President Trump would be able to change the name within the US, but in terms of international law there is no binding agreement that requires other countries conform.

The Gulf of Mexico has carried its name for over 400 years. It borders five US states but also shares a coastline with parts of Mexico and Cuba. While the US claims control over a significant portion of the gulf, international agreements have clarified territorial waters. 

So, what exactly do we know about this universally recognized gulf located between Florida and the Yucatan Peninsula? Click through the following gallery and travel its length and breadth.

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