The 30 freest countries on our planet

Freedom informs us of quality of life

Stars Insider

24/01/25 | StarsInsider


One of the benchmarks of human progress is measured in the amount of freedom people experience in a given country. However, it's something that's not easy to determine objectively. The Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. and the Fraser Institute in Vancouver, Canada, co-publish the annual Human Freedom Index Report, which observes the relationship between freedom and other social and economic phenomena. Personal freedom might be described as our ability to voice our opinion, equality experienced before the courts, and the ease of travel to/from a country. Economic freedom is the ability of people in that country to do well, without the need for government assistance or an economic authority.

To calculate the final Human Freedom score, personal freedom and economic freedom are measured and combined, then compared to the scores of other countries. Curious to know if your country made the top 30? Click on to find out!

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