Adult acne: how to prevent, manage, and restore clear skin

Strategies for achieving and maintaining a radiant complexion

Stars Insider

23/01/25 | StarsInsider


Acne isn’t just a teenage problem—it can persist or even appear for the first time in adulthood. Known as adult acne or post-adolescent acne, it is defined as acne occurring after the age of 25. While teenage acne is common and often expected, research shows that about 15% of women and 5% of men experience acne beyond their adolescent years. This condition is frequently triggered by a combination of hormonal changes, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits.

Understanding the root causes of adult acne and adopting targeted prevention, management, and restoration strategies can make a significant difference in achieving clear, healthy skin. With the right approach, managing this common yet often frustrating skin condition is entirely possible. In this gallery, we share the most effective strategies based on scientific evidence to help you prevent, manage, and restore clear skin.

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