When is bedwetting a cause for concern (in both children and adults)?

Everything you need to know about nocturnal enuresis

Stars Insider

04/06/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Nocturnal enuresis

Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, is when a person involuntarily or accidentally releases urine during sleep. It's most common in children but it can affect adults too. Some parents have to deal with this on a regular basis, and while most children will simply grow out of it, this is not always the case.

Similarly, teenagers and adults can also wake up in a wet bed and struggle to understand what happened and why they failed to control their bladder. But when does bedwetting become a cause for concern, really?

In this gallery, you'll get to know all about nocturnal enuresis, including causes and treatments. Click on.

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